Cohen was so happy to turn 3. We started the day out with his favorite breakfast--Pop Tarts!! Next, we went to "All About Kids" and let him run around the gym. After, he got to watch Disney's Cars instead of taking a nap. Then at the stores he got everything he wanted at the checkout counter at Rite Aid and Wal-mart (Things I always say "no" to). We ate Pizza and Lightening McQueen cake and did presents at the house. He got lots of toys featuring Toy Story, and Cars
Me and the boys were on our way to Walmart--taking the back roads behind our house and we found this AWESOME old barn. I immediately stopped and took some photos of Cohen and baby "E" as well.
It turns out that Cohen is quite the poser!! ...and Eli just wants to eat the grass and cry!!
29 year old Mother to two amazingly handsome boys with another on the way, and wife to their handsome father Marshall.
Marshall's job has brought us to Louisville, KY. We have been here for 4 years and live in a subdivision called "Little Spring Farm."
I Love being creative by scrapbooking, and sewing. I also love to play outside with my kiddos and excercise.