Friday, November 21, 2008

"Cameron Fry, this one's for you...."

(photo of Lambert Girls + Kiah minus Michelle) :)

Lambert Family Quoting: A way of communicating a thought or an idea by reciting a line from a movie, song, SNL skit, or a direct quote from another sibling.

When I get together with my family, "Quoting" happens A LOT!! Marshall says he cannot stand to be around me when I get with my sisters because we all stand around the kitchen bar and become CRAZY quoting fools!! Marshall says it is like we are speaking an entirely different language. He has not seen--or rather memorized, nearly as many movies as my sisters and I have so he cannot follow the conversation. Don't hate my wonderful husband, just appreciate!!!

Here are some of our favorites--we at least my favorites!!

"I am going to run away to Australia on my broom with Allen Hadlock!" --Jackie at age 4

"Miss Dorothy, Po Hee" --Thoroughly Modern Millie

"I have got to get things solidified in my life"--Working Girl

"Ray, if somebody asks you if you are a god, you say, "YES!!"--Ghostbusters

"OK, but that 's just what the nerds want you to do"--Signs

"Hello...Roses. Rose is Me!!"--Big Business

"I earn privileges"--D. Dave Lambert

"RASPBERRIES!!"--Thoroughly Modern Millie

"Matt's gonna to lose dessert, Matt's gonna lose dessert..."--Michelle and Kristen

"You know, when you get to be my age, there are more important things than, BOYS!"--Meet me in ST. Louis

"What fer, there's only three little ones"--Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

"I have been ready since first call, ROLL!!!"--Pee Wee

"To make a triumphant video we need Eddy VanHalen...
But we can't get Eddy VanHalen unless we have a triumphant video...
Bill and Ted

"As they say in Corsica,...Goodbye."

Mich :)


Clint and Kristen Family said...

That was..the greatest post...EVER!!

"...He's a geeky dweeb!!"

"Bananas are good in every way, an apple a day KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY!"

the mortensen's said...

A little poem just for you!
1. When you are sad, I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!
2. When you are blue, I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
3. When you smile, I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
4. When you're scared, we will high tail it out of here.
5. When you are worried, I will tell you horrible stories about how much w orse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby!!!!
6. When you are confused, I will use little words.
7. When you are sick, Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.
8. When you fall, I'll pick you up and dust you off-- After I laugh my rear off!!
9. This is my oath... I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask; -- because you are my FRIEND!

ave said...

So I was contemplating checking your blog to see if the blue moon really did come up- and what to my wondering eyes appear! Michelle updated her blog!!!! (insert Haleiluiah chorus here) It's so good to know that you're back in the blogging world, and that all is well with you. Hey, maybe we should make this our main form of communication since I am limited to 10 minutes a day of cell phone time!

Clint and Kristen Family said...

like your suit like the way you dress like your shoes too! -laney

Cory Elvidge said...

LOL, I am so proud to call you my friend! I knew every one of those quotes! Minus Bill and Ted's. Never saw that one. I MISS YOU!!!!!!