Monday, January 21, 2008

Back Home and Getting the Rooms Ready...

After our trip to Idaho and Utah, I came home with the whole "Nesting" bug in me. I started on Cohen's cowboy quilt, curtains with valances, and other decorations for the nursery and Cohen's new room.

Here are photos of the nursery...

Here are photos of the Cowboy Room for Cohen...

Here is a photo of the Hobby Horse I found at the good will to put in his room. He loves it so much!! Ride em' Cowboy!!

These projects are also my excuses for not blogging in a couple months. Now, I just have to clean my house and go through all of my boxed up "Newborn" clothes.


Lindsay said...

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I am loving your updated blog. What cute rooms for some cute little boys. You will have to let me know how the two goes. Everything you said I have thought about, and I am not even prego.

Jamie said...

hot dog! martha stewart!!! where do you find the time and energy?? you are amazing! the rooms are darling!