Monday, January 21, 2008

Our Unexpected Christmas Trip Home...

On Sunday, December 16th 2007 we recieved some sad news. Marshall's Grandpa Blaine had passed away. We were sad, but glad that Grandpa Blaine is now with his wife, Grandma Bonnie. He was 79 years young, and dog sledding in Ashton near Island Park days before he passed away. We will love and miss him.

We decided to give up our planned Christmas gifts and spend the money on tickets to the funeral. We left Wednesday the 19th and took a flight into Idaho Falls. Our decision to come home was bitter-sweet. It was going to be sad because of the loss of Blaine, but nice to come "home" for Christmas.

Funeral services were great. It was nice to see all the family that we had not seen in a long time. Marshall has skipped the family reunion for the last 10 years so there was a lot of people to see. It was great to catch up with family at the viewing and during the luncheon.

We stayed in Rexburg at Jeff and Lynda's house until Saturday when we drove to Utah to be with my parents, Dave and Karen Lambert. During our stay at Jeff and Lynda's we had some great food, and fun gift exchanges.

At the Lambert's we had tonz of food and gifts as well. My mother and I spent most of the day on the 24th getting the food ready for a great Christmas Eve buffet. The Ham was wonderful and the rolls were soft and warm. It was a awesome. It put both my mother and I in the 200's for our blood sugar!! Oh well, Chirstmas Eve comes but once a year!

On Christmas Morning we awoke to a living room full of presents and full "Santa Sacks." My mother, Karen is such a miracle worker. She works so hard to make the Christmas morning presentation spactacular. She kills herselft doing so, and we all appreciate and love it. The stocking were also full of gift cards, toothburshes, and candy.

Here is a photo of Cohen and his cousin Halle next to the tree on Christmas morning.

We had a great Christmas breakfast before Marshall and my Dad went to Sundace to Ski with my aunt and uncle. I was really jealous, but thought about what would happen if I fell!!

It was a great trip and a wonderful Christmas. We are so blessed to have our parents in our lives and feel their love always.

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